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About AnnTheGran
Our mission is to provide embroiderers with a place where their creativity can flourish. On AnnTheGran.com, you can find expert articles, project inspiration, and all of the supplies you need to fuel your embroidery passion. Let us help you create that magical moment when someone special says "Wow, You Made That?!?
AnnTheGran's Highlights
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Meet AnnTheGran’s Team
AnnTheGran.com is a US-based company, but is brought to you by a very special group of people from literally all over the place. We thought you might like to meet some of us below.
Ann (AnnTheGran) Cobb
Orlando, FL, USA
Ann Cobb began stitching doll clothes as soon as she was old enough to hold a needle. She continued to sew for herself and then for her husband, children and grandchildren. In the Internet's early days, she created AnnTheGran.com as a forum in which machine embroiderers could share designs and ideas. Since then, AnnTheGran.com has become the Internet's most visited home embroidery site, with a regular user base of over 400,000 people.
Pardeep Takhar
Ontario, Canada
Pardeep has been working at AnnTheGran.com for 10+ years and is always aiming to find our customers the best products and deals. If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you can find her posting the latest product updates, promotions, and project ideas. She has also been in customer support for over 20+ years. She works hard to ensure that your experience with our site is fun and enjoyable.
Amber Stevens
Chicago, IL, USA
Amber is the brains and illustrative hand behind the designs in our collection: Adventures in Stitcherland. Amber has a background in illustration, graphic design, and fashion. She loves combing these skills to create our Monthly Goodies Embroidery Pack that go out to Ann’s Club Members each month. Each design is created to form a cohesive collection to give you more options when receiving each pack. She ensures that your designs are always 100% unique and on trend.